SLT Library

Ruffus Allen Blvd 

at Noon 1st & 3rd 




Tom Millham

(530) 573-2273


PO Box 13666

South Lake Tahoe,CA



 President: Cheryl Millham

For Our Community 

What we are doing for our community.




Helping out at bread and broth.

Jan 7th members fed the hungry.


We collected and distributed over 100 Backbacks to Our Community

Historic Cemetery Clean Up

Grab a Rake or Shovel and Join Us when we "Clean Up" the historic Site

off Oakland and Alameda Streets

First Responder Support


The Kiwanis Club of Tahoe Sierra Foundation was asking themselves, “What can we do to ‘Thank’ the First Responders of our community?” 

The club members decided to first acknowledge our local Firefighters who work – EVERY DAY – to help save lives, help put out fires in

and near our homes AND to make life better for ALL of us who live in the South Tahoe community.  So, we decided to honor the men

and women of the South Lake Tahoe and Lake Valley Fire Departments by delivering pizzas to each shift. 


On behalf of our club members, we are proud to be able to Thank them for their service.  Our gratitude also goes out to Grand Central Pizza

for working with us and getting the pizzas up and ready for us to deliver on each day, HOT and DELICIOUS!  This was definitely a Team effort. 

So, from US to YOU - - - - THANK YOU for the magnificent job you do for us in our South Tahoe Community.